Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Redesign your kids’ bedrooms for under $100

Kids' bedrooms are a hard decorating concern. Parents can get asked to redesign their kids’ bedrooms many, several times. Fortunately, whenever you need to redecorate your kids' bedrooms, you do not have to spend lots of money for a new look.

Redecorating kids’ bedrooms – the fundamentals

Do not just redecorate your kids' bedrooms. Make sure you ask some questions first. How old are the children, and the way easily do you think they may grow out of their current obsession? Make sure you know if you are able to change wall colors or make other changes when renting. What is the biggest concern in the room — organization, design, light or space? Make a list of the changes your child wants to make and the changes you want to make and prioritize.

Redecorate your kids’ rooms with the large stuff

A $100 spending budget is often beat up with the idea of a structure change in a room or new furniture. However, re-painting or re-finishing furniture can very easily give it new life that fits into the new look that your kid may want. Try looking for and using dual-purpose items as well. For an example, you may want a headboard that is made of storage or organizational shelves. Second-hand stores have furniture accessible in them all the time. Make sure it is sturdy and inexpensive. Buying one dresser for $50 may feel like a large investment, but it will last much longer than a $20 dresser that you’ll have to re-purchase in a few years.

Don't do anything permanent

The colors and décor in a room could be effected by Kids’ taste. However, this will regularly be changing. Rather than repainting a room, try going to your local sign shop to get custom stickers made. It is much cheaper to get a huge graphic sticker than to get paint and gives the room a special feel. You may want to try putting up a dry-erase board or rolled cork in the room. It is pretty inexpensive also. Kids can continually change their room by having a p lace where they can write, draw and express themselves.

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