Sunday, February 13, 2011

Congressman Lee quits amid Craigslist scandal

Congressman Christopher Lee has resigned from Congress after emails and photos were discovered that he delivered to a female he met through Craigslist. Christopher Lee was entering his second term in the House of Representatives, and is Republican from New York. Rather than become a focal point of a scandal for weeks or months, Lee resigned and cut the incident off at the knees. Source of article – Congressman Christopher Lee resigns amid Craigslist scandal by MoneyBlogNewz.

Personal ad response by ‘Craigslist congressman’ causes problems

Craigslist was where the events began that eventually led Lee to step down from the New York House of Representatives. The Washington Post reports that had photos leaked onto it. A personal ad was posted by a female, remaining unnamed, living in MD. Christopher Lee responded to it. The woman asked as part of the ad, “will someone prove to me not all CL men look like toads?” In his second term in the House of Representatives, Christopher Lee wrote back to her. He said he as younger than 46, which is his real age, and that he was a lobbyist on Capitol Hill. The two bantered back and forth, however the ruse was discovered once he sent her photos of himself.

Gawker leaks pictures

Christopher Lee sent the woman photos of himself without a shirt on. He said it was "all I had" after she asked if he sent photographs of himself topless typically. She asked Christopher Lee if he was married, which he replied he was divorced, when they were having conversations. Christopher Lee has a son and a wife. She looked on the internet for his name after recognizing the picture just to discover out he was a married congressman from the 26th district of NY and was older than 40. got the e-mails and pictures from her after that. It did not take long to make the news.

Resignation by Gawker force

The photos were published on Wed, February 9. The news spread like wildfire. Lee wrote a letter to John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, notifying him that he was resigning within hrs of the news breaking, in accordance with NPR. A clerk read the letter aloud on the floor later in the day. A special election could have to be called by Andrew Cuomo, governor of NY, to replace him.

Information from

Washington Post



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