Saturday, January 8, 2011

Williams, displaced man, wanted as tone of voice of Cleveland Cavs

If you have a career during the recession, don’t take it for granted. Things could have gone like they did for Williams, a homeless OH man. Williams has been gracious despite adversity, and now things appear to be turning around. According to The Sporting News, Ted Williams has gone from displaced beggar to viral video star to sports announcer overnight. He’ll now move up from begging for cash to taking out personal loans; that is some jump.

Previously homeless, Williams is the voice of the Cavs now

Ted Williams – the displaced man, not Boston Red Sox Hall of Fame outfielder Ted "The Splendid Splinter" Williams – says he considers each day precious. Williams had drug and alcohol problems after having a progressive young life. He end up losing his home and lived homeless for years after that. He had a "God-given" voice that helped him a lot. He sold a ton.

However, a reporter from the Columbus Dispatch newspaper taken place to stumble across Williams one day, and the wheels set in motion. The reported called Williams over due to his tone of voice. She did a video interview with him. It is very popular on YouTube by now. It only took 24 hrs for about 5 million viewers to watch it. Ted Williams' radio voice became famous.

Getting famous through YouTube

Ted Williams was displaced one day, however thanks to a single Columbus Dispatch reporter and the power of YouTube, he has been offered a full-time job and a place to live. After noticing the extraordinary video of Williams, homeless Ohioan, a representative of the Cleveland Cavaliers NBA basketball team and Quicken Loans named Tracy (no last name given), was intrigued. In order to offer Williams a full time career and a home mortgage, Tracy called WNCI 97.9 radio station. She asked if he would come to home of the Cavaliers, Quicken Loans Arena, and be a public address announcer. CNBC’s Darren Rovell confirmed the authenticity of the job offer via Twitter.

Giving many ‘Homeless DJ’ career offers

During Ted Williams’ appearance on WNCI, multiple career proposals poured in. The Cleveland Cavaliers job was one of them. The deal with Tracy is something that Williams has yet to accept. It’s expected that he will though.


Sporting News

Washington Post

Ted Williams, homeless and gracious for his opportunity

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