Friday, June 3, 2011

Woman detained with dead and torn apart human body in trash can

A California woman was imprisoned Sunday for allegedly moving a giant trash can with dismembered human limbs along a residential road. She was booked on suspicion of homicide. Police say she is still not cooperating.

Discovered in broad daylight

At about 2:30 p.m., 51 year old Carmen Montenegro was found in San Bernardino, Calif., moving a container. Law enforcement was tipped off by reports from several residents in the area who had either seen or smelled the trash can’s gruesome contents.

Reporters spoke with Ontario Police Detective Jeff Crittendon who said “Officers stopped her leaving the location and in the trash can we found human remains.”

Just one male killed

Police currently thinks that one man was killed and the parts all belonged to him. The reason for death is unknown still. Crittendon said, “I can’t comment on the condition of the body because I am not sure of the exact extent of the injuries. I do know that it was dismembered. It appears to be a homicide.” Crittendon further said that Montenegro “had evidence on her that seemed to be consistent that she was involved with disposal of the body.”

Lawn had a hole in it

The detective also said that they believe Montenegro disinterred the remains from her previous residence. She was only 200 yards away from her house when she was imprisoned. Law enforcement found a hole dug in the yard after checking out the property.

Suspect lived in property on and off

For 15 years, Montenegro lived in the home on and off. Local residents say that either she or her mother owned the home.

More of an investigation

The police are trying to figure out who the victim is. They are working on it. The investigators may have found body fluids in the home Monday while they were checking out the property.

Montenegro was booked in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., where she remains uncooperative with law enforcement investigators.

Articles cited


NY Daily News

Huffington Post

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